
Conservation Fishing

fly-in fishing boats and motors
Lund boats

What Makes The Fishing Exceptional?

Sydney Lake is located in Ontario's Trophy Waters special conservation area. We have been practicing conservation fishing for more than 30 years and we have exceptional fishing. So not only are we remote, the fishery is well managed by those who enjoy it on their fishing trip. Its our policy that all fish over slot size be put back alive. Years of conservation fishing has kept our fisheries pristine for you, your children and grandchildren to enjoy. An Ontario conservation fishing licence is part of your Canadian fishing package to Sydney Lake Lodge. Please check out the Ontario Fishing Regulations for more information. Sydney and Kilburn lakes have conservation fishing for walleyes, lake trout and northern pike.

Trophies Returned

Trophy fish put back alive produce more big fish, and are a lot of fun to catch. When you land a fish, measure it, take a picture and put it back quickly. We recommend that if you want a trophy for the wall get a replica made, they last longer and never stink. You need the length, girth and a picture.

Trophy fish are recognized in the Trophy Waters with a trophy hat, master angler pin and your name, species and size in the annual publication.

Northern Ontario
fly-in fishing
canada fishing trips
foggy morning
boat docks
Northern Ontario
canada fishing trips

Tips & Techniques

  • Use barbless hooks or hooks with pinched barbs
  • Use single hooks instead of treble hooks
  • Don't use Fireline

Fish Handling Tips

  • Put the fish back in the water as quick as possible
  • Don't use jaw spreaders
  • If a hook is stuck cut the hook
  • If a hook is swallowed cut the line
  • Pinch the tail when you measure your fish for accurate results
  • Hold fish horizontally, not vertically
  • If a fish does not swim away, grab it by the tail with its back towards surface and down at a slight angle.
lake trout fishing